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Everything you need to know about PLS-SEM

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PLS-SEM Academy LogoIn this course package, we offer you a comprehensive introduction into the foundations of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and several advanced topics. We cover the following topics:

  • PLS-SEM: A comprehensive introduction
  • Mediator analysis
  • Moderator analysis, including binary moderators and moderated mediation
  • Higher-order models
  • Importance-performance map analysis (IPMA)
  • Necessary condition analysis (NCA)
  • Nonlinear effects
  • Advanced model assessment using the cross-validated predictive validity test (CVPAT)
  • Measurement invariance
  • Multigroup analysis
  • Unobserved heterogeneity

To facilitate learning, we illustrate all PLS-SEM analyses using an empirical example on corporate reputation. Annotated screenshots from the SmartPLS software illustrate all analyses step-by-step. Every course comes with additional material that offer more details on each topic. At the end of each course, you can take a test to earn your personalized certificate of completion.

Get started now!

Key Benefits

  • More than seven hours of video material on the principles and advanced topics in PLS-SEM
  • Covers the latest developments in PLS-SEM as requested by reviewers and journal editors
  • Comprehensive lecturing slides included
  • Annotated outputs from SmartPLS illustrate all analyses step-by-step
  • Certificate after successful completion of the final exam

Your instructors

Christian M. RingleChristian M. Ringle is a Professor of Management at the Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) and an Adjunct Professor at the James Cook University (Australia). His research has been published in journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , MIS Quarterly, and Organizational Research Methods. He co-developed the SmartPLS software and regularly teaches doctoral seminars on multivariate statistics, especially the PLS-SEM method.

Christian M. Ringle

Marko Sarstedt is Professor of Marketing at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany) and Adjunct Research Professor at Babeș-Bolyai-University Cluj-Napoca (Romania). His research has been published in journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, MIS Quarterly, Multivariate Behavioral Research, and Organizational Research Methods. He has co-authored two widely adopted textbooks on PLS-SEM and regularly gives seminars on the method worldwide.

This great course package allows you to learn everything you need to know about - in a short time! Watch, comprehend and succesfully apply PLS-SEM in your research or business projects.
Joe F. Hair, University of South Alabama, USA

The courses by Marko and Christian are really great. I have learned so much that I can apply right away in my own research. Take a look yourself!
Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University, USA

Courses Included with Purchase

PLS-SEM: A Comprehensive Introduction
Everything you need to know about the principles of PLS-SEM
Christian Ringle and Marko Sarstedt
Mediator Analysis
Understand mediator analysis and learn its execution in PLS-SEM
Christian M. Ringle
Moderator Analysis
Understand moderator analysis and learn its execution in PLS-SEM
Marko Sarstedt
Higher-order Models
Learn how to specify, estimate, and validate higher-order models in PLS-SEM
Marko Sarstedt
Predictive model assessment using the cross-validated predictive ability test (CVPAT)
Enhance your predictive results assessment in PLS-SEM
Christian M. Ringle
Importance-performance Map Analysis (IPMA)
Everything you need to know about the IPMA
Christian M. Ringle
Necessary condition analysis (NCA)
Get to know the NCA in PLS-SEM
Marko Sarstedt
Updates and extensions of the moderator analysis
Learn about binary moderators and moderated mediation
Christian Ringle and Marko Sarstedt
Multigroup Analysis
Understand multigroup analysis and learn its execution in PLS-SEM
Christian M. Ringle
Measurement Invariance
Establishing measurement invariance in a nutshell
Christian M. Ringle
Nonlinear Relationships
Learn how to specify, estimate, and interpret nonlinear effects in PLS-SEM
Christian M. Ringle
Unobserved Heterogeneity
Learn how to identify and treat unobserved heterogeneity
Marko Sarstedt

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and ends when your subscription expires or when your one-time purchasing period is over. In-between, it is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
Do I get credits for the course?
For each course, you can obtain a certificate. Universities and academic institutions usually acknowledge 2 ECTS points after successfully passing a course as certified by us. The recognition, however, cannot be guaranteed and depends on the goodwill of your institution.
Do I get a course certificate?
Yes, you receive a personalized certificate after successful completion of all lectures, including a quiz.
What is the minimum score for passing the quiz?
You need to score at least 60% of all multiple-choice questions correctly.
When will my access to the courses end?
The 1-month and 1-year access pass options are a one-time purchase (not a subscription!) that automatically expires after 30 days (1-month pass) or 365 days (1-year pass) of purchase. The lifetime pass option is a one-time payment, which grants unlimited access to all current and future courses.
What payment methods do you accept?
We only accept online payment by credit card.
Can I cancel my order and get a refund?
Unfortunately, we cannot provide a refund once an order has been placed and our videos have been accessed.
Who can I conntact in case of any further question?
Please send an email with your questions and issues to [email protected]
No subscription!
You do not take any risk, because we do NOT offer subscriptions and that renew automatically. Instead, we only offer ONE-TIME PURCHASES that expire automatically and do not renew. If you want to get access again at a later time, just buy a new access when you want.

PLS-SEM is an important and particularly useful tool in the repertoire of multivariate analysis methods that every bachelor, master and doctoral student should be able use. These videos by top experts in this field are an excellent way to fully comprehend and apply PLS-SEM. See for yourself!
G. Tomas M. Hult, Michigan State University, USA

Outstanding PLS-SEM video course, great method and the great SmartPLS software. This combination is the perfect start into successful research and publishing.
Nicole Richter, University of Southern Denmark